Ozempic Case Study – The easiest victory over diabetes and weight

Ozempic is the brand name whispered quietly at the lunch table at work or at the family Bar-B-Q–followed by, “You look great.” Ozempic is loudly joked about on the late-night talk shows or award shows. All that talk value has helped Ozempic rapidly ascend in the healthcare market, particularly in treating type 2 diabetes and, […]

YETI Case Study: How their product performance drives shockingly high prices

YETI case study

Buying a YETI is not a purchase, but rather an investment. That’s how the founders think of their exceptionally high priced products. In YETI Case Study, we delve into the fascinating world of the YETI brand – an unyielding player in the outdoor gear industry. YETI, renowned for its ultra-durable and superior quality products, has […]

Tesla case study: Elon Musk runs Tesla like Steve Jobs ran Apple

While Elon Musk and Steve Jobs have very different personalities, they are one of the top brand leaders of their generations. Our Tesla case study will show how Elon Musk has used hype marketing straight out of the Apple playbook to create such an intense desire for their Electric Vehicles. Other major car brands appear […]

Coca-Cola case study: Lessons from the best Coke ads of all time

Best Coke ads

Over the past 100 years, Coca-Cola has been the best advertising brand. Sure, Nike and Apple have battled for the best over the past 40 years, but they’d need to get to 2080 before challenging Coke.  There is a lesson we can see with Coke advertising. Coca-Cola advertising has been remarkably consistent in strategy, yet […]

The best Brand leaders know a little of everything

It amazes me how few people understand what a marketer really does. Even those who work beside us, who might work in sales or at our agency. Plenty of times, I have stopped them and asked, “do you know what we do?” And, their answer kinda shocked me. Wait, it scared me. The ideal brand […]

How to lead the brand planning process in your organization

Your brand planning process is crucial for success. First, conduct a comprehensive business review and establish brand positioning. Next, identify key issues and develop a solid brand plan. Undoubtedly, this process provides an opportunity to make informed decisions. By allocating your brand’s limited resources effectively, you’ll achieve the highest return. Interestingly, you may have heard […]

A powerful way to find meaningful consumer insights that connect

Consumer insights are little secrets hidden beneath the surface. They explain the underlying behaviors, motivations, pain points, and emotions of your consumers. Your consumers may not even be able to explain the insight until you play it back to them. You want consumers to say, “Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel.” Brands must think of […]

Marketing to the 4 types of customers within each B2B customer

B2B follows a different type of targeting. First, while a B2B brand may start off thinking about selling to the entire market, then begin narrowing down based on the kind of customer or the subsegments of the category. As B2B marketers approach their customers, they must understand there are four types of people at the […]

Emotional advertising tightens the bond and grows your brand

When brand leaders say they want emotional advertising, I usually say “I can’t wait to see this emotional creative brief you wrote.” Without digging deep to understand the emotional space you should play in and the consumer insights that lay beneath the surface, your asking for an emotional ad feels like a random game of […]

How to define a winning brand positioning

Winning Brand Positioning

If you are working on Brand Positioning for your brand, then you are in the right spot. What is a brand positioning strategy? A Brand Positioning Statement defines how your brand shows up in the market. Importantly, it should outline your ideal target consumer, the space you play in, your main message that differentiates your […]

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