How to figure out your integrated brand communications plan

Your brand communications plan must steer and inspire the creation of the brand story work, so the brand communications work will establish your brand positioning, and motivate consumers to see, think, feel, do, or influence.  The role of the brand communications plan is an organizing tool to ensure everyone has specific marching orders on the […]

Clearly written brand strategy statements make your plans smarter

The most important element of any plan is the brand strategy statements. You need to know where you will invest your limited resources. The best brand strategy statement brings focus on an identified opportunity you can take advantage of. Your strategy must create a market impact that acts as a tipping point that changes your […]

How to use your innovation plan to fuel brand growth

Never let innovation for a brand be something that happens randomly. It should fit strategically under the brand. At Beloved Brands, we believe the best brands build everything around a brand idea that guides the 5 touchpoints to create a beloved brand, including the brand promise, brand story, product innovation, purchase moment and the brand […]

How to use our Strategic ThinkBox to focus your marketing plan

Our Strategic Thinkbox looks at core strength, consumer bond you have, competitive battles and the business situation you face. I’ve always believed that strategic thinkers see questions before they see solutions. Ever hear someone say, “That’s a good question?”  It means someone just asked an interruptive question, designed to slow everyone’s thinking, so they reflect […]

The difference between a disruptor brand and a challenger brand

Every day I see people mess up by randomly using the key marketing words disruptor brand and challenger brand. I guess these words seem to convey an attitude that makes people think they are buzz words. But when it comes to strategy, they are quite different. The common link is they both take on an […]

Five questions to kickstart your brand planning process

A well-structured brand plan empowers you to allocate your brand’s limited resources effectively. To begin your strategic brand planning journey, let me share five essential questions that have guided my experience as a VP of Marketing at renowned companies like Johnson & Johnson, Coke, and General Mills. By focusing on these questions in your brand […]

The 5 essential elements for smart strategic thinking

Smart strategic thinking starts with seeing questions before seeing solutions. Ever hear someone say, “That’s a good question.” It usually means someone has just asked an interruptive question, designed to slow everyone’s thinking, so they reflect and plan before they act. Slow down and organize our thoughts with five elements of strategic thinking, including the […]

Brand Plan template makes it easier to build your plan presentation

If you are running a consumer-driven brand or a consultant helping your clients, our Brand Plan template includes ideal slides for vision, purpose, analysis, key issues, strategies, brand positioning statement, and execution plans. Our Brand Plan template provides formatted blank slides with key marketing definitions where you can insert your own brand plan. And, we […]