10 best Nike Ads that will inspire you to be better at Marketing

Nike is one of the beloved brands of all time, creating an idea and inspiration beyond their shoes. If you are on here to learn about advertising, I want to use the 10 best Nike ads to inspire you to learn to be a better marketer. So, let’s just do it! Nike does such a […]

Ferrari sells nearly as much branded merchandise as they sell cars

Ferrari case study for the Ferrari brand strategy

Ferrari is one of the most desired luxury car brands in the world. To Italians worldwide, the Ferrari brand screams their passion for the Italian culture. This year’s big news is that Lewis Hamilton, the 7-time Formula 1 champion, will move to the Ferrari team in 2025.  While other car brands drive their valuation by […]

P&G has become really good at emotional advertising

P&G advertising

In my generation, it was usually pretty easy to spot a P&G marketer. They are the type of marketer who had “the” answer. The “P&G way” used to be: find something (almost anything) that you’re better at than your competitor and then make the most of it, by showing a side-by-side demonstration, naming the “next […]

How McDonald’s transforms their restaurant six times per day

McDonald's Logo

Before we dive into our McDonald’s case study, let’s get one thing out of the way–the McDonald’s brand is not on its last legs. For the last 20 years, I get hundreds telling me that McDonald’s won’t survive the next five years.  “SuperSizeMe” killed the brand.  It’s so unhealthy.  No one eats there anymore.  Yet, […]

The top ten Super Bowl ads that captured our hearts and minds

Super Bowl Sunday isn’t just a day for football; it’s the Oscars of advertising, where brands showcase their most innovative, touching, and often groundbreaking commercials. These ads do more than sell products; they tell stories, evoke emotions, and sometimes become a part of our cultural lexicon. Here’s a tribute to the ten Super Bowl ads […]

Coca-Cola case study: Lessons from the best Coke ads of all time

Best Coke ads

Over the past 100 years, Coca-Cola has been the best advertising brand. Sure, Nike and Apple have battled for the best over the past 40 years, but they’d need to get to 2080 before challenging Coke.  There is a lesson we can see with Coke advertising. Coca-Cola advertising has been remarkably consistent in strategy, yet […]

Remembrance Day ad that will bring a tear to your eye

Remembrance Day is a special day in Canada. We take a moment of silence at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month, to commemorate the very moment that World War One ended. To show our appreciation, we wear a poppy upon our lapel. Remembrance Day The history of Remembrance Day in Canada […]

Apple Advertising – From 1984 to Think Different to ‘I’m a Mac’

Apple advertising has delivered “simplicity” since the 1970s. Apple’s advertising has been relatively consistent for over 40 years and incredibly connected with consumers. As Steve Jobs was launching Apple, the early print ads talked about how we designed the Apple computer, so you don’t have to worry about the details. The “1984” TV ads for […]

A powerful vision story about Dan O’Brien, US Olympian

Dan O’Brien was a U.S. track and field superstar back in the 1990s.  He competed in the Decathlon and won pretty much everything: World Champion, Olympic Champion, US Champion, and World Record Holder that would stand for 10 years–a lifetime in the track and field world. His story will inspire you. Dan O’Brien’s backstory Even […]

How to develop winning claims for your brand

Your brand claims bring your reasons to believe to life, with creativity that backs up your main consumer benefit. Brands have four choices: be better, different, cheaper, or else not around for long.  If you do not define your brand, then you run the risk of the possibility that your competitors will define your brand. And […]
