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Business Review for healthcare brands

Conduct a thorough and effective annual business review with our Business Review for healthcare brands.

If you want to evaluate your healthcare brand’s performance, our Business Review for healthcare brands template can help. It includes PowerPoint slides for marketplace analysis, customer insights, competitors’ performance, channels evaluation, and brand assessment. Designed for annual deep-dive assessments and brand audits, it’s perfect for consultants, product managers, brand managers, and agencies seeking to identify their brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The template features customizable formatted slides and key definitions, and a completed example plan ready for your modifications. Improve your healthcare brand’s performance with our Business Review template.

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $79.99.

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Description of what is included

If you’re managing a healthcare brand, our Business Review template is a valuable tool. It provides an in-depth analysis of your brand’s performance, evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The customizable PowerPoint slides are ideal for use in annual assessments or brand audits. It includes charts and graphs to illustrate your findings. 

With key marketing definitions and a fully completed example plan included, it’s an excellent resource for brand managers, consultants, or agencies looking to evaluate and improve a healthcare brand’s performance.

Conduct a deep-dive business review at least once a year on your brand. 

Dig in on the marketplace, customers, channels, competitors, and the brand to identify key issues to address in your brand plan. Each section should have 3-5 ideal slides and a conclusion statement carried forward to a summary page. Use these to draw out an overall conclusion statement and one major brand challenge for your summary page. Make sure to keep your presentation concise and focused.

Healthcare Business Review Template for the Healthcare Brand Toolkit

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Below are slide examples of our business review template

Healthcare Business Review
Healthcare Business Review
Healthcare Business Review
Healthcare Business Review
Healthcare Business Review
Healthcare Business Review

Putting together the ideal Healthcare Business Review

Assuming you’re creating a 20-slide presentation for your management team, follow this process. Focus on the five specific sections of the business review: marketplace, consumers, channels, competitors, and the brand. 

Each section should have 3-5 ideal slides with a conclusion statement at the top of each slide. Then, create a summary page for each section that includes the conclusion statements. 

Next, develop an overall conclusion statement for each section and bring them to the front of your presentation to form an overall summary page. Finally, identify one major brand challenge you discovered during the deep dive.

How to build each of the five analytical sections of the business review

A: For each of the five sections of your deep-dive business review, use all the data you have dug into to draw out the three hypothetical conclusions. Then build one ideal slide for each conclusion, adding the 2-3 critical support points, and layer in the supporting visual charts. 

B: Once you have nailed the conclusion headline for each page, you should build a summary chart for each of the five sections, which takes those three conclusion statements and builds a section conclusion statement. 

C: For each of the five sections, take each section conclusion statement, move them to an overall business review summary slide, and draw one big summary statement for each of the five sections.

D: Use those section conclusion statements to draw out an overall business review major issue, which summarizes everything in the analysis.

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Brand templates for healthcare brands

Elevate your brand strategy with our powerful templates.

Our brand toolkit for healthcare brands is our most comprehensive template helps you communicate your brand plans, brand positioning, business review and creative briefs.

Our brand plan template  offers slides for vision, purpose, analysis, key issues, strategies, and execution plans, ensuring a thorough approach to your brand’s development. The brand positioning template guides you through defining your target profile, crafting a brand positioning statement, and developing a unique brand idea, concept, values, story, credo, and creative brief. Finally, our business review template provides slides for in-depth analysis of the marketplace, customers, competitors, channels, and your brand.

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