YETI Case Study: How their product performance drives shockingly high prices

YETI case study

Buying a YETI is not a purchase, but rather an investment. That’s how the founders think of their exceptionally high priced products. In YETI Case Study, we delve into the fascinating world of the YETI brand – an unyielding player in the outdoor gear industry. YETI, renowned for its ultra-durable and superior quality products, has […]

How to sell to independent customers who don’t want your help

We are seeing a new emerging independent customer type who loves to explore, learn, and browse on their own terms, with very little help from salespeople. These independent customers love to do the deep-dive research and legwork to get them to a point where they appear to know precisely what they want. They are always […]

Your business situation must steer your brand’s next move

A smart brand strategy is a smart business strategy. Before moving towards a plan, you must understand the business situation you face. In this article, I will outline four distinct business situations your brand could face: Fuel the momentum, Fix it, Realignment, and a Start-up.  You are running a live business, with a need to drive […]

Exploring the most common business models with iconic brand examples

In the dynamic arena of marketing and commerce, the blueprint for delivering value to customers—commonly known as a business model—serves as the foundation upon which a company constructs its market identity and operational strategies. The essence of a business model lies in its ability to outline how a company creates, delivers, and captures value, which […]

A simpler way to use brand strategy to help your brand win

I hate when marketers overly complicate brand strategy. They mistakenly consider strategy the more intellectual part of business, so they use big, vague words to try to sound smart. The people who execute don’t know what words mean. We will explore how our Strategic ThinkBox can trigger deeper strategic thinking and help develop the best […]

Brand Culture – You can’t run a brand without the people behind the brand

In today’s competitive market, the emphasis on “customer experience” and “customer journey” is not merely a trend but an essential business practice. Ensuring an impeccable customer experience is a collective effort, from the top-to-top management down to customer service teams. It’s all about keeping everyone aligned to the brand idea, values, and ideal leader behaviors, […]

How to conduct a brand audit

How to conduct a Brand Audit

It’s imperative to understand that every business should conduct a brand audit annually. This process uncovers key issues and sets up a strategic plan for the brand’s future. Moreover, if you’re not integrating this essential step, you’re arguably neglecting the optimal management of your brand. Furthermore, adopting a monthly report system can keep your brand […]

The art of marketing: What Marketers can learn from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”

Undoubtedly, Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” has stood the test of time as a guide for strategy and tactics in warfare. Nevertheless, its principles extend far beyond the battlefield and have been applied in various fields, including business, politics, and sports. Consequently, one area where Sun Tzu’s teachings can be particularly insightful is marketing. […]

Red Bull case study: The courageous pathway to becoming a beloved brand

Red Bull Case Study

As a leading energy drink brand, Red Bull has become a household name across the globe. The brand is known for its high energy and exciting marketing campaigns. As well, Red Bull takes an innovative approach to product development. In this post, we will take an in-depth look at Red Bull’s marketing execution, exploring how […]

LEGO Case Study: How to revitalize a beloved brand

LEGO case study

LEGO, the iconic Danish toy brand, has inspired creativity and imagination in children and adults alike since its inception in 1932. The company’s signature interlocking bricks have become a global phenomenon, transcending cultural and generational boundaries. However, in the early 2000s, LEGO faced significant challenges threatening its existence. Our LEGO case study will explore how […]